Friday, July 17, 2015

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Crazy Eyes

I asked Tommy to open his eyes wider which resulted in Picture #2.

Canoe Ride

Does the canoe look a bit lower in the back?

Festive Hats

Thanks to Aunt Sue, the creation of these hats got them out of the water for an hour.


The cousins all together fora  great Fourth.

The Old Switcheroo

Mary Katherine goes for her first fast tube ride, Tommy accomplishes the tube switcheroo and Jimmy is still undecided if he likes tubing (like his mother).

Two Nice Pics and a Silly One

Last night in Florida.  All dressed up and not in bathing suits for first time in two weeks.

Lion Country Safari ... Holy Hotness

It was a hot day at this tourist trap, but the boys managed to go down a water slide and I got to feed a giraffe which is a highlight of my trip and sadly, life.

Father's Day Florida Style

Got to celebrate Father's Day at the beach Florida style.  Too bad no adults could stand on the paddle board.

Alligators. Real Ones.

We got to see some gators up close and personal.  Even walked away some real teeth.  Good times.

Butterfly World in Florida

10,000 different type of butterflies, but feeding the birds was the biggest hit.  Tommy had four on him at once and one landed on Jimmy's head.