Monday, November 24, 2014

Closing Ceremony

Tommy thanks his guests for attending his 7th Birthday Party.

Dancing with Grandma

Grandma helped lead the Chicken Dance.

Birthday Cake

It seems as though MK enjoyed it.

Party Was for Kids...

But some adults decided to crash it.

Laser Tag Fun

Tommy gets to celebrate his 7th Birthday with Laser Tag.

Party Crasher

Jimmy gets to crash the preschool Harvest Day Party.


Who doesn't love the circus?  And cotton candy?  And popcorn?  And Sprite? And Nachos?

Final Farewell

The kids say goodbye to their crib as MK moves into her big girl bed.

As Usual

The kids do not look anything like their costumes.  The angel halo lasted about 30 seconds (fitting). The boys insisted on red glowing eyes that were never worn.  Oh well.


Tommy was grossed out by cleaning his pumpkin, but Jimmy thought it was pretty cool (that Mom did the work for him).

Pickin' Pumpkins

We made it to the patch just in time.  The friendly skeletons have been featured on the blog before I think...

Fall Leaf Fun

A good time was had by all.  They actually were somewhat helpful this year.

First Hair Cut

This gal needed a trim.  Big time.

So Gross

Nobody ever informed us how gross it is to lose a tooth.

Family Night at Preschool

All the attention was on this Diva during Family Night.

Indian Guides Camp Out

Their weekend started with a late night pool visit followed by camping.  Totally exhausted on way home.