Monday, January 13, 2014

Sledding Fun

No face plants.  Bonus.

New Year's Eve

A celebration in Lake Geneva with the Hamms.

Santa's Visit

Santa made quite the impression on the kids.

Tommy Gives Gifts

Tommy gives his first Christmas presents to the family.  He was so excited.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve for the happy couple.  Reindeer food was a big hit.

Christmas Festivites

Tree decorating, cookie decorating, and gingerbread houses...lots of stuff to do.

Par-tay with Santa

Santa visits the household.

Kindergarten Party

More sweating for Mom at the Kindergarten party.

Preschool Party for Jimmy

Jimmy was excited his Mom was running the cookie decorating table.  She was sweating the whole time.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Thanksgiving in the Big Apple

Lots of food and drinks when visiting New York.