Thursday, June 6, 2013

Operation Fail

The training wheels are back on.

Mud Pit

This is what happen when you leave them unattended in the backyard.

Mother's Day

This is Tom's version of breakfast in bed.


Fireballs might have a losing season, but we are having fun.  I think.

Dance Party

The boys enjoy some pop and lock.

All Grown Up

Tommy graduates from preschool!

Last Day of Preschool

Find the picture that Tommy will regret later in life.

Catching ZZZs at School

Pajama Day at School.  Mary Katherine made sure she took part in the festivities.  Note her evil slippers.

Train Trip

All smiles at the beginning of trip.  All sweat after the trip.

Tra La La

The boys sing at Church at School.  They walked up the aisle together, but somehow managed to split apart on stage.


Don't be fooled.  She is a Diva.

My Boys

The boys enjoy a nice dinner at Catherine's reception.

So Holy

The cousins gather for Catherine's First Communion in Michigan.