Saturday, March 16, 2013

Keeping Warm

Mommy and Mary Katherine keeping warm.  In an Eddie Baurer store.  Haven't been in that store in a long time. 

St. Patrick's Day Parade

 Celebrating their Irish Heritage with a parade of politicians, boy scout troops and fire trucks.  Don't forget the candy.

Need I Say More?

Happy 4th Birthday Jimmy

Our first trip ever to Chuck e Cheese (i.e. Chuck e Sneeze).  Jimmers had a great time.  A special treat for the big boy.

Cha Cha

The kids watch a version of Dancing With the (Unknown) Stars at Downtown Disney and get into the groove themselves.

Downtown Disney

We will do the "real" Disney at some point, but not until this Princess is old enough.

What Was I Thinking?

I have always wanted to do a ropes course.  Next time, I probably shouldn't involve my 4 and 5 year old children.

Feeding Sting Rays

Feeding sting rays shrimp at Sea World does not seem sanitary...but fun.

Sea World

The kids loved Sea World.  Rides and whales...

Putt Putt

The fastest game in the history of putt putt golf.

Daddy Under Attack

Not by kids.

I Am a Nerd

I cannot wait until the kids are old enough so I can experience the real Harry Potter exhibit vs. our quick tour.

Please Note...

Who is missing from these pictures.  Tommy has a Dr. Seuss theme in his room, but was a bit weary of getting close to the live creatures.

Optimus Prime (Time)

The first day ever at Universal of the Optimus Prime reveal.  I think Tom was more excited.


The kids are so happy to be at the George exhibit.  Even though it was 40 degrees.  In March.


The boys meet Diego at Universal Studios.

Snow Day

It took about an hour to get ready for an hour of fun in teh snow.

Party Crasher

Mary Katherine crashes the preschool Valentine's Day Party.

Swim Time

Lessons at the YMCA.  Unlike this past summer, Tommy actually went in the pool. 

Fun in the Tub Times Three

The Three Amigos go for a dip.

Spring Chicken

Mom is a Spring Chicken compared to her counterpart.